You would use "AT" if music is used as a noun: He is an excellent painter and very good at music. You would use "IN" if you were using music as an adjective: She was a good pianist, but she only got a B in music class. He was a real star in the hip hop music scene. Hope this helps!
most soft music eg twinkle star
You have used it correctly: children's music team.The children's music team practiced after school.The children's music team won first place at the state fair.She belonged to the children's music team.
The pentatonic scale.
Yes they do.
Egyptians still use hieroglypics
with music and by killing slaves
Music and dancing has been important to many cultures both ancient and modern, and was important to the ancient Egyptians as there are many scenes of it depicted on murals.
The Egyptians didn't use camels they feared them and the camel lived in the desert & the egyptians feared the desert aswell
They would play music, sing, and dance.
those who played lots of music often worshipped apollo, the god of music
Ancient Egyptians spent their free time spending time with friends and family, and listening to music
to amuse each other or to tell stories
No,they did not