it is bbcddcbaggabag
The notes are eefggfedccdeedd eefggfedccdedcc ddecdefecdefedcdbe eefggfedccdedcc.
it is bbcddcbaggabag
The notes are eefggfedccdeedd eefggfedccdedcc ddecdefecdefedcdbe eefggfedccdedcc.
Bbccdf# gedcbf#Ed
These are the notes to Ode To Joy on the Keyboard or Piano EEFGGFEDCCDEEDDEEFGGFEDCCDEDCC That was the first part. DDECDEFEDDEFECDEG This is the second. EEFGGFEDCCDEEDD And that is the last.
The same for any other instrument.
Try the link below, it is one version that is available.
Beethoven was a very famous composer. His song "Ode to Joy" is very easy to sing because there are very few high notes, and it is conjunct.
Beethoven was a very famous composer. His song "Ode to Joy" is very easy to sing because there are very few high notes, and it is conjunct.
The actual letters to the "Ode to Joy" melody are Ode an die Freude, which means "Ode to Joy" in German.