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I can't think of any disadvantage. I've used it myself extensively and glad it's around. Especially all three: midi in, midi through, and midi out. Saves tons of time when writing music.

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Q: What are the advanages and disadvantages of midi?
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No. Line in is for audio, but midi is for midi.

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Will a midi controller work without software?

A MIDI controller sends MIDI note messages to another device by MIDI cables or USB to a computer. If it is strictly a MIDI controller with no onboard sounds, it will have to connect to another MIDI device or computer to make sounds.

Can Ensonic KS-32 be used as Midi controller for Pro Tools?

A Ensoniq KS-32 can be used as a MIDI controller. If you are using an audio interface that has MIDI ports, connect the MIDI Out of the Ensoniq to the Interface's MIDI In. If you don't have a MIDI port on your interface (such as with the Mbox Mini) you will have to buy a USB MIDI interface (they're about $40.00).

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...midi files.

What is MIDI recording?

Recording MIDI involves using a MIDI controller (keyboard, keytar, drums, flute) in conjunction with a MIDI sequencer to create a MIDI file. This MIDI data contains all of the aspects of your performance that makes it unique (the pitch, length, velocity of the notes). Hope that helps.

Can you use a synthesizer as a midi controller?

Yes, as long as it has a MIDI output or USB MIDI Interface, you can use it as a controller.