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If you're asking what the song is called or who sings it, it's Heal the World by Michael Jackson.

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Q: There's a place in your heart and i know that is love?
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How can you find a true love?

You find a true love when you know that you have a place in his or her heart

How do you know if you are out of love?

hun, this is a dead give a way. when you fall out of love you'll surely know it. listen to your heart and relize that theres always gonna be one person for you. just keeping asking your self is this person the one? you'lll know.

How do you tell that someone will accept your love?

it all depends on the person really. theres no true way to know. (at least in my opinion) but to quote tv. keep your heart open and love will find its way in

How do you know when it is time to ask the big question to the one you love?

When you think about the question, pretend like you have asked it already. After see how you feel . . . there shouldn't be any doubts no wondering if theres a what if In your heart you will know :D if its the right person, you will know

How do you know when you fall in love?

You know it in your heart!

Know he loves you and you love him but you have not exchanged the words?

Then just go for it. If you already know that yall love each other theres no room for rejection!

How do i know when im really in love?

If you look deep into your heart you will know who you Truely love...

How someone know for love to be true?

how you know if your love is true to someone is that you follow your heart

Where do you feel love from?

the only place you can... your heart. ♥

How do you know when you still love you boyfriend?

when someone is in love love you feel it in your heart and always think about him never let that person in your head that mean that you still love him in your heart.

How do you know if it's love of not?

go with your heart.

How do you know if the guy you love is on love with you?

If you are in love and question whether your partner reciprocates, a series of tests can be used to determine their overall love for you. If they respect you, your friends and family, it is a sign that they place you on a pedestal. If they really care about you, and sometimes place you above themselves, they are truly in love with you. At the end of the day if the person has your best interests at heart, they love you.