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If you want to attend music production school, then you will want to study hard. It is difficult in some aspects because you are required to learn the specifics of production.

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Q: Is music production school hard
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There are no specific requirements to get into music production schools. It's mostly based on raw talent. They will ask you to show what skills you have.

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My brother wanted to do music production courses online and used a website called 'Udemy' I heard that he had a pretty good experience with this site.

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music production is just the production of music while audio production id the production of all audio including music, interviews stuff of that sort

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The Los Angeles Recording School is a really great school to look in to. They are fully equipped for music and audio production and located in the heart of the entertainment industry.

Where can I find reviews for music production schools in California?

To access a site that reviews five music production school in the Los Angeles area, go to This site gives a brief description of each school and what their courses provide.

Where can I get music production training?

You can attend music school or even music classes. Music books can be bought at the music store or found in a Barnes and nobles. maybe there is a church choir you can seek for more answers or the city

Can a school use commercial music for a video production?

I believe so, but it cannot be sold or traded in any capacity.