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Treble and bass buttons on diatonic accordions play two different notes on the push/pull of the bellows while treble and bass buttons on chromatic accordions play the same note regerdless of the bellows direction.

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Q: How is a chromatic accordion different from a diatonic one?
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Is Ode to Joy Diatonic or Chromatic?

It is completely diatonic. And it is nothing short of a miracle that Beethoven could come up with such an important and memorable line that stays completely within a diatonic fifth, with only an occasional dip to a fourth below the tonic. This refers only to the basic statement of the melody itself. The movement contains a great deal of chromatic richness. How did Beethoven do it? If he were around, he might be able to do it again, and pull out of 5 or 6 simple notes something magnificent that no one else has the wits to uncover.

How many reeds are there in a harmonica?

A Harmonica has one reed for each hole it has. For example, a Diatonic Harmonica has ten holes, ten pitches, and thus ten reeds. Longer reeds have lower pitches. The reeds tend to be metal. If a reed bends, the corresponding pitch will not work.

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Where can you purchase a chromatic harmonica?

One can purchse a Chromatic harmonica at any large music retail store, such as Yamaha. One could also look on Amazon. Currently there are 33 sellers of chromatic harmonicas on Amazon.

What are accordion registers?

Registers are the switches that can be found next to the keys on the right hand side of the accordion. There are usually anywhere from 3 to 11 registers on an accordion. By switching registers, it changes the reeds that are used and thus changes the sound. For example, one register might sound like a clarinet and another might sound like a bassoon. Or you can have registers that are combinations of different registers. All of these produce different sounds and add more variety to the accordion.

Where can one purchase accordion music?

Accordion music can be found at any mass music merchandiser such as Daddy's Junkie Music. Accordion music can also be found online on most accordion manufacturers websites.

How does one learn how to play the accordion?

One can learn the accordion by taking lessons. They could also purchase a book to help their education.

What is a GCF accordion?

A GCF accordion is a type of button accordion. What GCF means is that on the right hand side of the accordion (where you play the melody line) there should be three rows of buttons. One row plays notes in the key of G, one in the key of C, and one in the key of F. This means that you can play songs that are in those three keys. To understand what I mean by "keys," you need to know a little bit about music theory. Think about it as if you were playing three different guitar chords, G, C, and F. Well, for the GCF accordion it is the same except with buttons to press instead of strings.

Music instrument beginning with a?

· Accordion · Acoustic Guitar · Alto Sax

What other name is the accordion called by?

Many different names. The one I saw a lot more than others was the name Squeeze box. It makes sense, since the accordion is meant to be squeezed, and it's sometimes shaped like a box.

Should i sell my iPod nano chromatic the older one its likely to only get 50 pound for a touch?

nah, thenano chromatic has just come out!