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go to tools> options> sharing> advanced and delete everything in the extensions section. then go to tool> options> uploads> basic. then set the upload bandwidth to zero then go to tools> options> uploads> slots. then ste the max uploads per person and the max upload slots to zero

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Q: How do you stop uploads in LimeWire?
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Related questions

How do you make LimeWire faster?

limewire has 2 speeds, SLOW AND STOP!!

If you delete LimeWire does that stop the sharing?

Yes. LimeWire can only share files while it is running.

Why does it take so long to connect to the LimeWire network?

limewire has 2 speeds, slow and stop!!

How do you connect LimeWire to the internet?

you can down load it, but I would not recommend it, limewire hs 2 speeds, slow and stop!

Does LimeWire stop downloading when computers off?


Where do you find information about the peer to peer file sharing client LimeWire?

You do find information about the peer to peer file sharing client Limewire through their own official site "LimeWire". Limewire is under a court order dated october 26, 2010 to stop distributing the limewire software.

If I did use LimeWire and I wanted to stop what sould Iu do?

Just uninstall it from your machine. Start / settings / control panel / add remove programs / limewire - remove

Why is your computer playing music from your LimeWire that isn't Evan up?

because you have to pause it or stop it to stop playing before closing

If LimeWire is so illegal then why is it still on the internet?

Because limewire is a peer to peer server, meaning that their is no central thing that operates it somewhere, to stop limewire the police would have to go to every computer in the world that has limewire on it and manually delete it off of every computer. As long as two people have limewire and are sharing files with each other it will keep going.

Do you get charged for using LimeWire?

Limewire has a free version, but you can pay about 18 bucks and get a "turbo-charged" version. Downloading copyrighted material is illegal whichever version you use, but I have it on good authority that the pay version is about the same for downloading songs. The problem is that you can set how much bandwidth you allocate to uploads and downloads. Naturally, everybody wants to set it to 100 percent for downloads and nothing for uploads, so you end up trying to download a 700MB movie at 2MB per second. You don't have to be a genius to see that this would take you about 4 days.

How do you stop listening to songs on LimeWire?

well if you where log on then sign out also if you want to stop. there is a certain button to stop listening so that they will never bother you again

What are some programs like LimeWire?

Frostwire is like it... but it's even better .. you can not only download songs but programs, games, movies ect. and frostwire is sponserd by i tunes so when you download a song on frostwire it uploads automatically to itunes.