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The trick is to NOT be nervous... that will make you sound bad. Then you will get more nervous and the cycle will continue until the end of the song. Do not worry about impressing people, don't focus so much on hitting notes, and believe in your talent!

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Q: How do you sing very well if you are nervous?
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Are you a first soprano? If you are then just sing and don't be nervous. Being nervous at first makes the first notes sound bad which makes you more nervous and the cycle will continue! Just sing and don't worry about impressing her or hitting notes. However... If you are asking how to do it and you are an alto there is really no way I can help because it is just the way your voice is.

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you just relax and act like your back in the shower singing your heart out. don't be so nervous. i sing all the time whether any one likes it or not... you should try it! :)

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The song that you should sing in front of an audience is one that you know very well. There is a chance that you may get nervous so if you are comfortable with the song, you are less likely to mess up.

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