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You actually have to be a first soprano. No amount of practice, training, or stubbornness will turn one type of voice into another. Voice lessons only develop the voice you have. If nature meant for you to be a first, you can learn to use your upper range. If you were meant by nature to be a contralto, even if you can sing that high, singing constantly against your voice type will eventually ruin whatever voice you do have.

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Q: How do you sing in first soprano?
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What type of soprano are you?

I am a second soprano but I know that I could sing the first soprano part if my choir teacher would let me. A first soprano must be able to sing the very high notes in a song while a second soprano sings slightly lower notes but they are still pretty high. It does not really matter for you to know that I am a 2nd soprano it matters what type of soprano you are.

How can I sing o Canada in first soprano?

Im not sure what you mean... but I am a soprano and it helps to just sing. I mean do NOT think about impressing people or hitting the notes. Just let them float. I sing anywhere anytime.

Does A First Soprano Sing A Flat Note But In A Higher Range?

a first soprano sings everything including high flats & sharps they also sometimes sing all lower/mid notes too not just high

What is the difference between second soprano and first soprano?

Second Soprano: Should be able to hit notes close to a high c. Sing higher then the altos. Have a sweet voice, altos usually have low talking voices. First Soprano: Are to hit the highest notes above a high c. Should be able to sing and hold high notes.

Why do a lot of people sing bass or alto in church and you want to sing but cant cause your a first soprano what to do cause everyone cracks on the high notes and you dont should you sing or not?

If you can hit the notes, then definitely sing. And be proud that you can sing first soprano. That's an awesome position to be in in a choir. loads better than a boring bass, tenor or alto that just get drowned out by the rest of the choir.

Was Verdi a soprano?

Giuseppe Verdi composed operas, and was not known to sing them. As well, men rarely sing in the soprano vocal range.

What kind of voice does singer Jennifer Hudson have like a soprano or alto?

During a movie clip she told the audience that she was first soprano.

What Tones in a choir?

there is a soprano which is if you sing high and an alto if you sing low

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What are good songs for a second soprano to sing?

Most soprano music in the "Medium high" or "high" ranges work for second soprano.

How do you sing o Canada very well in first soprano for my cousin?

Are you a first soprano? If you are then just sing and don't be nervous. Being nervous at first makes the first notes sound bad which makes you more nervous and the cycle will continue! Just sing and don't worry about impressing her or hitting notes. However... If you are asking how to do it and you are an alto there is really no way I can help because it is just the way your voice is.

How can you learn how to sing o Canada in first soprano if you are a second soprano but you can reach higher notes to be a first soprano?

Same way you get to Carnegie Hall. Practice, practice, practice. Run your scales til your voice becomes more elastic. Mind your breath control and sing from your diaphragm. Good posture , mind you keep straight and chin up to keep your soft palate from occluding your throat. And have fun and sing from your heart. O Canada is a beautiful anthem.