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Practice and take lessons. Be yourself and relax when singing.

Hope this helps.

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Q: How do ya sing good?
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warm up your voices by singing your favorite song ''EVERYDAY''!Renember to sing ''DO-RAE-MI-FA-SOL-LA-TI-DO''.Sing nice and loud but not too this everyday and ya never know ya might be a rockstar!!

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what ya say (jason derulo) firework (katy perry) aeroplanes (B.O.B) love story (Taylor swift) hope i have given you some good ideas

I sing to one of my friend and she said i sing real good and i am going to put some of my singing on YouTube and i was wondering will it get discovered like that dude Justin Bieber?

Only if your really good like him. But ya never could just be stuck singing on Youtube forever. But be optimistic--hope for the best!

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It depends on the person if you are good ask her your self! She is as good as Bianca Ryan!!(aka won Americas got talent)!! she is WAY AWSOME!! LUV YA KENNA!! FROM ananamouse? bad spelling sorry!

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of course she does. she can really sing.

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the person or people i should say that sing JIZZED IN MY PANTS are THE LONLEY ISLAND i have never herad of them but ya they sing it their a band