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I hope you mean: How can you be emo without dye your hair?

because I cant understand that

but if that's what you mean so Yes you can

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Q: How can you be EMO without diend your hear?
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Carpe DiEnd was created on 2008-02-22.

Can I do A Emo Hairstyle Without Being Emo?

Yes but if people mistake you for an emo, correct them.

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decade as he can destroy worlds and fight all the hesei riders together plus diend and not die in three seconds

How can you be emo without black hair?

I'm emo and I don't have black hair. You can get an emo hair cut and dress emo.

Are emo's beautiful?

Emo's (emotional) are beautiful, in each and everyone of thems own special way. Not all emo's cut, not all emo's cry over everything, you know? Sure emo's are great! Some have great things to say! You just have to hear them out.

Can you look emo without actually being emo?

Definitely but be prepared people will probably end up calling you emo

Do you have to be EMo to cut urself?

No, you dont have to be emo to cut yourself. Loads of people cut themselves without being emo.

Can you be emo without piercings?


How many time does it say in the Bible He that has ears to hear let him hear?

3456,000 times if you count wright emo is cool

Do you need to have a Emo Hairstyle to be emo?

Yes, if you don't have Emo hair you are not considered to be Emo. Without Emo hair, people will consider you a wanna be and will not take you seriously. You must commit to it by chopping your hair off and colouring it a million shades of Emo.

Related literature about emo music?

WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS!!!!!! People come on, what do you think emo kids are? There not monsters, there people too!!! You could read what the h*** you like and you can hear the music that you f***en like. READ WHAT YOU LIKE AND HEAR THE MUSIC THAT YOU LIKE!!!!!!

Can you still be emo without you hair being short in back long in front?

If emo is just a look and not an attitude than no. If emo is an attitude and not a look than yes. If you are just trying to style your hair so you can be emo than you are not emo, so don't bother.