Yes, Ashanti is still alive.
Ashanti's first single is called "foolish" and her first album is called "Ashanti".
No it was just a music video "The way that I loved you". Ashanti is NOT in jail.
Yes Nelly and Ashanti are still together. They makes a beautiful couple.
Ashanti has sold over 15 Albums Worldwide. 10 Which she bought herself.
Ashanti's stage name is Ashanti.
R&B singer Ashanti's real name is Ashanti. Her full name is Ashanti Shequoiya Douglas.
Ashanti, they have going on and off but at the current moment, they are together.
Ashanti is a singer-songwriter with a powerful voice.
Ashanti's real name is Ashanti Shaquoya "Shani Bani" DouglasAshanti's real name is Ashanti. Her full name is Ashanti Shequoiya Douglas.
Ashanti is African American.
Ashanti is not a mother
ashanti brother
Kahlil Ashanti's birth name is Kahlil Ashanti Abubakar.
Nelly and Ashanti have one kid
The father of Ashanti's son should be Ashanti.