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some people are and some people dont they have to wait longer until they are older and them some people cant sing atol

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Q: Are people born with good singing voices or not?
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Is it true that Zac Efron and Vanessa hudgens have a good singing voice?

yes they have awesome singing voices

Can people with good voices be afraid of singing?

Yes all the time. My voice teacher tells me I have a good voice, yet when asked to sing in front of people, I get all nervous. Tackle your fear of singing in front of people by forcing yourself to do it. It will get easier every time, and you might actually enjoy it after you get over your fear.

How does Joe Jonas sing so well?

Some People Have Amazing Voices(Joe Jonas) and SOme People Have Not so Great Voices it depends but most people have good voices. joe is one of the lucky people with amazign voices Some People Have Amazing Voices(Joe Jonas) and SOme People Have Not so Great Voices it depends but most people have good voices. joe is one of the lucky people with amazign voices

What is the meaning of Dimitri kabalevsky's good night?

its a childrens lullabye desinged for soprano voices are choir is singing it so i know

Are people born with good voices or does it develop?

everyone can sing all you need is practice so dont lose hope

How does people get so good at singing?

they are so good at singing because they practice and learn from their mistakes.

How do you inprove singing?

Sorry to say but most people are born with a great singing ability. But if you want a LEGIT better voice probably do some voice exercises. (like scales). Or, if you are singing a song, find a song that u r good at singing. Im not that good at signing myself so I find songs that u am good at singing along or even alone in the shower... Anyway... Answer: vocal exercises, find a song u r good at singing.

Do you like singing best or acting?

It depends, if you know that you can sing, then singing might be a good choose. If you can perform in front of a lot of people, then act. If your good at both of these, then find a show and see if it has singing with it or not.

What is Taylor Swift good at?

Singing....................but some people think she is better at writing songs than acuallly singing them

Why are Welsh people so good at singing?

Some people think welsh people are good at singing , when, im not saying they are lying, but they are no good than you think they are. It is YOUR opinion that they are good. Some people think they are bad when some think they are great. It your opinion and just because your friends may not like welsh singing doesnt mean you dont have to. let yourself shine though what you think it should!

What is a good sentence for persuade?

I persuaded the people with my beautiful singing in the singing contest Sorry but I'm really dumb at these things;)

Why do people sound good singing in the shower?

because you cant hear there