The Dizzy Limit was created in 1930.
The Excellent Dizzy Collection happened in 1993.
No Dizzy Dean did not have any children
Dizzy Spells - album - was created on 2001-04-24.
Dizzy Gillespie Jam was created on 1977-07-14.
His nickname is Dizzy because of the way he acted.
If I drink too much wine I feel dizzy. Spinning in circles will make you dizzy. I get so dizzy, I see stars!
Yes, He's dizzy (He is dizzy) is a correct sentence. He is the subject, is is the verb (linking), and dizzy is a predicate adjective.
No dizzy is an adjective.
A "dizzy" is slang for distributor.
The flu left me feeling dizzy. Feeling dizzy, I sat down.
The word dizzy is mostly an adjective.However, when used as a transitive verb the past tense is dizzied.
NO OF COURSE NOT! It would help if your not severely over weight but As long as you are/can do a cart wheel without getting dizzy Id say you are pretty good to go.
Dizzy Mizz Lizzy ended in 1998.
Well, honey, the correct phrase is "dizzy blonde." "Ditzy" is more of a modern slang term, but if you want to keep it old school, stick with "dizzy." Just remember, it's all in good fun, so no need to get your feathers ruffled over a couple of words.
You get dizzy by spinning around too much.
Dizzy Reed is 6'.