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Only the remote reciver since it will give conflicting information to the tuner/main processor to do wierd things. Might even make the unit's boards faulty at best.

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16y ago

yes it will because of the way people in factiores build the t.vs it will also damage any t.v screen because of how powerful a laser is

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Can a red laser pointer damage a cell phone?

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Will a laser pointer damage the pixles on a tv?

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Can a laser pointer be a laser?

Depending on the mW if it is below 5mw it can't damage the eye anything above 5mw can damage the retna in the eye

What is a USB laser pointer?

a USB laser pointer is simply a laser pointer powered by the USB socket.

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How can a laser pointer be dangerous?

Depending on the mW if it is below 5mw it can't damage the eye anything above 5mw can damage the retna in the eye

What does MW stand for a laser pointer?

MW stands for milliwatts and refers to the power output of the laser pointer. It indicates the strength of the laser beam emitted by the pointer.

Which laser pointer would suffice for a 20 foot tall projection screen in a 400 capacity lecture hall?

If the room is dimmed slightly then any laser pointer will work, the higher end ones just work a little better when the lights are on.

Can you change the color of a laser pointer?

No. Each laser pointer uses a laser that emits a specific color. the only way to get a different color would be to get a different laser.

How does one use a Green Laser Pointer II?

A Green Laser Pointer is very simple to use. In order to see the green laser from the pointer, you press the button and point it onto an opaque surface.

What will Prevent laser damage to the eye?

By not looking at a screen for to long without taking a break.

Where would I buy a laser pointer?

You can buy a laser pointer in many places. If you are looking to buy a laster pointer online, you can buy one on Amazon. If you are looking to buy a laser pointer in person, you can buy one at your local Staples or your local Best Buy.