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Q: Why is trumpet written in treble clef?
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Do all woodwind instruments use the treble clef?

That depends on the instrument. For example, trumpet music is typically written in treble clef, while trombone and tuba music is in bass clef. And, of course, variations on instruments (bass trumpet) can differ from the convention.

What clef doesd the Trumpet use?

treble clef

How do you write trumpet sounds?

Trumpet sounds, like any musical instrument, can be written in standard musical notation. Trumpet music is written in treble clef.

Music for violins are written in which clef?

Violin music is written using the treble clef.

What does the flute play treble clef or bass clef?

Bass, but sometimes tenor when playing higher music. You'll sometimes come across treble clef in French and Belgian publications. It is used to avoid extra leger lines above the tenor clef.

I am trying to find 6 instruments in the treble clef?

guitar, violin, trumpet, ukelele,

Does a base use a base clef?

most of the base interments use the base clef i think the cornet or trumpet is the only interment that uses treble clef.

What does the treble clef written before the stave tells us?

Treble clef indicates the position of the note G.

Another name for treble clef?

the treble clef :)

What clef is tuba played in?

Bass clef,. However, most pieces and written in the treble clef

What clef does a piccolo trombone play in?

Instruments don't play in clefs--people do. In the orchestral world, we trombonists are expected to play in Treble, Alto, Tenor, & Bass clefs on a regular basis. Jazz world is mostly Treble & Bass, though occassionally I've seen Tenor there as well.

What clef is most used in guitar?

the guitar plays on the G, or treble, clef. It plays transposed down an octave, though, so it could technically play untransposed on a bass clef. All guitar music is written in the treble clef, though.