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The system shuts down since there is an error occoured in the system recovery. This may be caused due to changes brought about manually or a passible virus. logicwonder

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Q: Why is the system shutting down during Windows system recovery?
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Can you buy a windows automated system recovery disk?

No. You have to have a windows install disk (you can buy a copy for $100-$200 on amazon) or a recovery disk if it came with your pc (if OEM)

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windows xp automated system recovery (ASR) Note: You can use recovrey console as well as windows repaire. if any file missing.

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A full backup of the drive on which Windows is installed and an ASR floppy disk on which information that will help Windows use Automated System Recovery is stored

Where could one find out more about system recovery in the Windows XP environment?

One can find out more about system recovery in the Windows XP environment on the About website where they have a guide on what to do. Information can also be found on the support section of the Microsoft website.

Is it safe to use a Windows XP install disk to recover a Windows 7 system?

Nope - to recover your Windows 7 system - you need to use the recovery partition on the hard-drive.