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Q: Why is it illegal to sell candy at school?
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Is it illegal to sell candy after school?

To be honest i don't know, i am from the Uk and i am trying to fight for my case to sell at school. Good luck in finding the answer

Is it illegal to sell candy that someone bought you?

no not at all.

How can middle schoolers make money?

Sell candy at school or around your neighborhood

What to sell at school?

well you can sell all kinds of candy at school like candy bars but your grandma might make you run for three ours straight and a couple days later you will have a siezure

What are the best sweets to sell at school?

Candy......Cookies......muffins if you know for a fact that they are good

How do you sell candy in school?

From an unmarked van in the parking lot. Preferably with no signs or windows.

How do most 11 year olds make money?

Sell gum and candy at school.

Is is Illegal to sell fifa covers that i have made to my friends at school?

Not at all. Only if you set up a shop and sell them in there does it become illegal under the copyright law. So YES you can sell them to your friends

Can you sell candy to students at Duncanville High School?

yes if you want to be a lil Michael Jackson

Can you sell candy at school?

Yes it is ok for an eleven year old to sell candy. First the parent(s) need to be sure of the area where the child will sell the candy or even better, have an older person go along with the child as company. Plus it helps the child develop a sense of well being from making the sales, boosting up his/her self esteem.

Is it illegal to sell gum at a high school campus?

no cause its just gum lol

Is it illegal to sell candy?

It also crates tooth decay and high blood pressure. Also i think schools should not sell candy in schools but they should sell fruit and vegetables. I think it should because it should be for snack if people do have snack.