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Q: Why is Gwen able to play music she has never seen before?
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Ask her what kind of music she's into, never fails! And you never know, if you have similar music tastes, you might be able to go to a concert together :)

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In "Ben 10," Vilgax appears again to attack Gwen, Ben and Grandpa. When Diamond Head intervenes and begins to fight with Vigax, Grandpa is able to drive his RV through the side of Vilgax's space ship.

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Can you save and play music video out a sf card?

you should be able to because and even if you cant save music videos you will surely be able to save music on it.

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NEVER. she will get super clingy and start stalking you. You will never be able to get away from her and she will always think you hurt her no matter what. grow up.