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Q: Why don't people like the US?
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he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel... he like his women family and the people... he dont like to travel...

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they dont mind people they totally ignore us but if we bother them or their chicks they will hurt you badly

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There is no exact percentage, there will never be one either.

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only a jeark would say that!! dont listen what people say that rich are different from the rest of us! they are people like us!! i hate those kind of people!!

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only some people like dont have to like it. only some people like dont have to like it. only some people like dont have to like it.

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we should ask the people at libraries that dont like facebook because they dont have freinds so they are envious of us

Why do people hate in the US?

they dont hate us - i have a holiday house there. most people in the US love british people.

Why do people hate he prime minister of Britain?

i dont know about the people, why they dont like him.....but i like him anyways....

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because of what they think we do, they think we hate everybody but us, i dont know why but they should just ask us.

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some people dont like blacks some people dont like whites some people just hate everyone including themselves. some people dont like blacks some people dont like whites some people just hate everyone including themselves.

In what ways do people change?

People change on what they like and what they dont like and other stuff. I REALLY DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!