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Q: Why does Ellie Goulding sound like a gobbling Turkey?
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Do males of female turkey make gobbling sound?

mostly the males but i am not sure.

What is a sentence using the word gobbling?

The sound of turkey hens gobbling in the forest just sets a hunter's heart afire. The little heathens were gobbling their food so fast that they scattered food all over the kitchen floor.

What sound male turkey make?

The Tom makes a gobbling sound. Gobble Gobble, only very fast.

What sound do male turkey's make?

The Tom makes a gobbling sound. Gobble Gobble, only very fast.

What sound does a turkey make to communicate danger?

Turkeys communicate by gobbling. The sound is pretty funny and they tend to do it on a regular basis to communicate with other turkeys.

What animals make a gobbling sound?

Turkeys are revered for their gobbling sounds.

Do males or female turkeys make the gobbling sound?


Do meal or female turkeys make the gobbling sound?

Male turkeys gobble.

What sound does turkeys make?

Turkeys make a variety of sounds, including gobbling, clucking, yelping, and purring. The most well-known sound a turkey makes is the gobble, which is a loud, distinctive call often used by males to establish their presence and attract females.

What animal makes gobble sound?

A turkey makes a gobble sound. Turkeys are known for their distinctive gobbling noises, especially during mating season. The gobble is produced by male turkeys to attract females and establish dominance.

Is it male or female turkeys that make the gobbling sound?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for a male or a female.The noun gobbler, a word for a person who eats greedily and noisily, is a common gender noun; a word for a male or a female with unhealthy eating habits.The noun gobbler is a word for a tom turkey, a male; the noun for a female turkey is a hen.

Do turkeys say moo?

The male makes a "gobbling" sound; the female makes a clicking noise. yes they go " gobble gobble gobble!!!! " yes