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Q: Why do people think that Jay-Z is in the Illuminati?
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Many people think that the Illuminati are entertainers. They are not.

How much money does jayz has?

about 340 million i think

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No they do not have kids yet but i think they will

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yes he schocking news people

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Yes wat do you think

Is Soldja Boi Illuminati?

no he is just an old skool singer think he illuminati

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I don't think so .

Who is JayZ to lil Wayne?

He definetaly thinks he is a guy what did u think he is a girl

What is Beyonce and jayz's religion?

I think he is an illumanti says many people.But I am not sure.

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No, because the Illuminati doesn't exist.

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is jayz a parent and is he living with byonce