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Lack of talent? Artistic inspiration?

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Q: Why do greenday's songs sound the same?
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When was The Songs All Sound the Same created?

The Songs All Sound the Same was created in 1992.

What are some songs like Duke Dumont - I got you with the same hawaiian sound?

Songs that can be likened to Duke Dumont's - I got you with the same Hawaiian sound, include Duke's 'I Got You' and many others.

What is greendays style?

I would say PunkRock.

What was greendays first album called?

Green Day's first album was called 39/Smooth with the songs 21 guns good riddance know your enemy basket case when i come around.

What would you criticize about the Jonas Brothers music?

I would say that the background music, like the beat and the music, is so repetitive. Most of their songs sound the same music wise. Just listen to their songs without the lyrics. Forget they are singing and concentrate on the music. Most of their songs sound the same. They're nice because the lyrics and messages are different but the songs all sound the same. I'm a huge Jonas Brothers fan though.

Do live songs sound good on iTunes?

Usually, they sound about the same as the original, unless; of course, they do something differently with the song in their live performance. But, in my opinion yes, lice songs on iTunes sound fine, hope that helped:)

What is a negative thing about Andy Six?

He is pretty awesome but all the songs sound the same...

Is the song turkey in the straw and do your ears hang low the same songs?

They sound similar, but they're actually two different songs. You can tell during the choruses of the respective songs that they're not the same note-for-note.

Should you buy an electric or acoustic guitar to play songs by creed cold greenday staind the fray breaking Benjamin?

depends on what songs by them you want to cover, electrics can get expensive though for a really good one like Greendays singer for example (im terrible with names)

What is greendays' favorite album?

'The lamb lies down on broadway' by Genesis.

Do all paper jamz guitars sound the same?

They probably DO sound all the same, but each one has different songs to play along with. plus they each they each have there own design.

Does I want to Be Your Man by The Beatles sound the same as I Want To Hold Your Hand?

No, they sound very different, despite the same number of syllables in each. The latter was sung by John and Paul, and the former was sung by Ringo. They are totally different songs. Also, the Beatles mostly did not write two songs that sounded the same or very similar.