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She did more than allow she ordered. She was at war with the Spanish and what better way to cripple them than to sink ships and take the gold. Her treasury got bigger from their gold and she didn't waste man power attacking them.

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Q: Why did elizabeth 1 allow her ships to attack spanish treasure ships?
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How long did it take John Harrington to make the toilet?

Sir John Harrington, godson to Queen Elizabeth I, built a water closet around 1596 at Kelston, near Bath, England. This toilet tended to allow sewer gases in, and was improved upon by many other people. See the attached link.

What is the meaning of attak and decay in the elements of music?

the attack and decay are two parts of a note's envelope which have an attack phase, a sustain phase, a decay then finally a release phase. the attack is how quickly the note reaches its loudest point,. take a guitar for example, when the string is plucked it is immediately at its loudest, that is the attack, the sustain is how long the note stays at its loudest point, with a guitar this depends on the strength of the pluck, a strong pluck will give a long sustain where a soft pluck will have a small sustain decay is how long the note takes to drop to go from its highest point to its release point, which is considered its quietest phase, the trail of the note when in the decay phase goes from loud to almost silent, if you look at a guitar string audio wave the decay phase is where the tail begins to get smaller. release is where the sound finally dissipates with a guitar release is immediate after decay, however with electronic synthesis, you have the option to allow a longer release allowing the note to persist for greater time.

What states allow polygamist marriage?

Im pretty sure that none actually allow it. Its illegal in all 50 states.

What music software program will allow you to download a midi file and it will make sheet music from it?

Finale Notepad is a free program that will allow you to do this. see

States that don't allow self service gas?

One of Oregon's quainter customs is the state's stubborn refusal to allow people to pump their own gas. Oregon remains one of only two states that don't allow self-service at the gas pump. (The other is New Jersey.}

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to allow = permitir

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As you know in the film Aladdin, The treasure was not allowed to be touched except for the lamp. However in Kingdom Hearts, The gems in particular allow you to get to another location or to get a treasure chest. As for the rest of the forbidden treasure, nothing happens.

What does permitir mean in Spanish?

"Permitir" in Spanish means "to allow" or "to permit." It is used to indicate giving permission or approval for someone to do something.

Under whose reign did the patronage system allow the theater to flourish?

Queen Elizabeth I

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Claws can be used to forage, to grip objects, and to defend or attack.

In the crucible when did Danforth hear the Elizabeth is pregnant and what does he allow?

that she can live for another year, when the child is born.

What are the short term causes of the spanish armada?

Philip was married to Mary Tudor (Elizabeth's sister) until she died in 1558.Philip offered to marry Elizabeth But she refused him and remained single.Philip II was a committed Catholic and wished that all countries would become or remain Catholic.In 1559 Elizabeth decided to allow people in Wales and England to choose whether they wanted to be Catholic, or Protestant. This decision angered Philip.Spain ruled a number of countriesin the New World. Seamen such as Sir Francis Drake stole treasure from Spanish ships during the 1570's and 80's. Elizabeth had been encouraging this !!France was an enemy of England and Spain. Both countries had joined forces against France in the past.In 1562 however, Civil War broke out in France. This meant that France was no longer a threat to England and Spain. Spain no longer needed England as an ally.In 1585, Elizabeth sent an army to help the people of Holland fight against the Spanish. For the fist time England and Spain were at war with each other.Elizabeth had signed Mary Queen of Scot's death warrant in February 1587.Mary was a Catholic Queen and this angered Philip.Sir Francis Drake had sailed to Cadiz Harbour in April 1587. The Spanish fleet was there and he set fire to 37 ships belonging to Philip. He boasted:" I have signed the King of Spain's beard"

Does answers allow spanish answers?

Si, permite espanol

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She did what she was raised to do. She converted the land back to Protestantism.

Where do i pay my property taces?

There are some websites that allow you to pay you property taxes online. You can go to your County treasure office to pay your taxes.

Did the us allow pearl harbor to be bombed so they could enter war?

No they were surprised by the attack!

What is an immediate crisis?

An unexpected event, such as a terrorist attack, is an immediate crisis, and does not allow for research and planning.