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The Viola has a lower pitch than the violinbecause of its lower-pitched string (the "C" string) compared to the violin's much higher-pitched string (the "E" string).

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12y ago
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14y ago

Because of the thickness of the string, and the size of the instrument.

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12y ago

Cello has a lower pitch than violin.

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8y ago

It's a relatively high pitched instrument.

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12y ago

yes, it goes very high

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12y ago

The violin is higher pitched.

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13y ago

yes the violin has higher notes

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13y ago

The strings are shorter on a violin.

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15y ago

a violin

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Q: Why can a violin play a higher pitch than a bass?
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What has a lower pitch a violin or cello?

A cello can play in the range of a violin (much of it), if that's what you mean, but a violin's highest note is much higher than a cello's highest note.

Does the violin play a higher pithch then the bass?

yes, much. the bass is the lowest string instrument, and the violin is the highest.

Is a violin more high piched than a viola?

Yes, the violin has a higher pitch than a viola. Even though the violin and viola are similar in size, the violin has an E string while the viola has a C string. (I should know as I used to play the violin but switched to stand up bass)

What instrument can play the highest a double bass or a viola?

The Viola can play higher. Pitches of String Instruments from highest to lowest are: Violin Viola Cello Double Bass

Is The most common part for violin to play in the bass?


If you want to learn how to play the contra bass should you start playing the violin then make your way up?

Play the instrument you want to play. The violin and bass are completely different.

Why does the violin play higher than the bass?

The violin is smaller in size and has shorter strings, which vibrate faster, producing higher pitches. In contrast, the bass is larger and has longer strings, resulting in slower vibrations and lower pitches.

What 3 instruments did Mel Blanc play?

bass, violin and the sousaphone

What is the lowest pitch that a violin can play?

Open g

What part does the flute play in a flute violin cello trio?

it depends on if you want to feature the flute then the flute will be the lead or the melody the violin would be the harmony but the cello will always be bass if it was featuring the violin then the violin would be melody the flute will be harmony and the cello still will be bass

Why is the violin's bow bigger than the basses bow?

It isn't. A violin bow is longer than a bass bow, although the bass bow has is much wider with a thicker wooden shaft, and is thus two or three times heavier. Violin bows are longer because the higher in pitch a string is, the faster bow you need. Basses have very thick strings, so they don't need to move their bows very fast, and don't need as long a bow. Besides, if it were as long as a violin bow, it would be too heavy for most people to play!

What note does each string play on a violin?

The 1st string is the lowest, a G, then a D a little bit above in pitch, then a A also a little higher in pitch, and the highest is a high E.