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because she loves dog's to be in her video.

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15y ago
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15y ago

I think because she really likes Great Danes, if that is the type of dog you are referring to. She likes big and powerful and Great Danes are, well, exactly that!

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14y ago

i think the answer is : she loves them like kids and she must of have them for along time

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Q: Why are there dogs in Lady Gaga music videos?
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Why are there dogs in Lady Gaga videos and not other animals?

All animals to Lassies

Do the two great danes belong to Lady Gaga?

Well we don't know if she has 2 great danes or not its still unknown

What is Lady Gaga's favorite breed of dog?

no.... But I think she wore a coat made of poodle puppy fur. I'm kidding of course I don't know the real answer I just had to tease Lady Gaga fans and make a cruella deville reference and I found the perfect way to do it. PS I like Lady Gaga I'm just weird.

How old are Lady Gagas dogs?

Lady Gaga I think does not have dogs I really don't know because I am not related to her

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lady gaga has two dogs but no kids

What are the names of Lady Gaga's pets?

I think you have two dogs one cat three rabbies one hamster or six fishes.From Kirsty we love you Lady GaGa

What animal is in lady gaga video poker face?

Two Great Dane dogs.

Does Lady Gaga have two dogs?

Lava and Rumpus.not anymore because rumpus died:(

What kind of dogs does Lady Gaga have?

If it's her small brown one, then it's a cockapoo (:

What are lagy gaga dogs called?

Alice & Abbey Road < Does are her dogs Rumpus & Lava < are the dogs used in her videos such as poker face, paparazzi, love game

Does lady gaga have any pet?


What is the name of the dog in the video of poker face by Lady Gaga?

There are 2 dogs: Lava and Rumpus.