JFET = junction field-effect transistor. The transistor design is to restrict/control the current in the channel by expanding or contracting the depletion region, hence the channel cross-section, with a gate signal. The gate is the junction in JFET, compared with using oxide in an MOSFET.
if its a brand new amp use the high level input wiring if you purchased it used or if it does't have high level input you can buy an adapter for it at an audio shop best buy or even walmart
Use a voltmeter with a high input impedance and measure at the source the voltage.
Trouble code P0103 means:Mass or volume circuit high input
Not sure if this is still relevant, and I thought it was a sample, but Logic's "The Dream" uses these lyrics
the pullup or pull down resistance in the diode logic gate makes it a high output resistance device.If u try to drive another diode logic gate with it the output voltage of the first gate will be affected by the resistance in the second gate.A diode logic gate should always drive a high input resistance input.
1. NAND gate is used to invert the input A (by connecting A to both inputs). 2. NAND gate used to invert B the same way 3. Now put A' and B' into into a third NAND gate. The output will be (A'B')' which is equivalent to A+B.
NOR - has two or more inputsinverter - only has one input, so that input is all inputs
Connect both inputs of the NAND gate together to form a single input. Tie one input of the NAND gate to a logic high (Vcc) and connect the other input to the desired input signal.
Short the inputs together. Logic: A High input, with the inputs shorted together, will be H+H at the input side of the NAND gate, therefore resulting in a low output. A Low input, with both inputs shorted together, is L+L for inputs, resulting in a High output. Also, a NOR gate can be used in exactly the same way.
The output of the AND gate is high when both inputs are high because that is the definition of an AND gate. (Ouput is true ONLY WHEN Input A AND Input B are true.)
It's a "quad, 2 input nor gate". To understand the significance of a "nor" gate, you need to understand a little about digital logic. An "or" gate takes 2 or more digital inputs and if either is "on", the output will be on. (asserted high). A "nor" gate inverts the output of the "or" gate, meaning that when either of the outputs are "on", the output will be "off" (asserted low). The two input part of the description just indicates that it only accepts two inputs. So, simply stated: If either (or both) input(s) of a quad, 2 input nor gate is (are) asserted high, the output will be low. If both inputs are off (low), the output will be high.
One way to make an eight input AND gate out of transistors... Start with one transistor, NPN. Ground the emitter. Connect the collector to Vcc with a resistor. Connect the base to Vcc through two resistors, picked to drive the transistor into saturation. The input of that stage is the junction of the two resistors. If you ground that input, the transistor cuts off, and the collector goes high. Unground the input, and the collector goes low. OK. Now you have an inverter. Build eight of them, but only use one collector resistor, and tie all of the collectors together. If any one input is high, the output is low. If all inputs are low, the output is high. OK. Now you have an 8 input negative logic NAND gate. Follow it up with another inverter stage, reversing the output. OK. Now you still have an 8 input NAND gate, with the output high true. If you want the inputs to be high true also, connect each one to an inverter. This will use 17 transistors, and you will have an 8 input positive logic AND gate.
NAND gates are universal gates and can be used to construct any of the logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NOR, XOR, XNOR). The easiest way to figure this out is to use basic Boolean Laws. For instance, to create a NOT gate (A'), tie one of the NAND gate's input to logic high: (A+1)' = A'. To create an AND gate (AxB), use two NANDs in series, with the second one configured as an inverter: (AxB) = ((AxB)')'
It's a "quad, 2 input nor gate". To understand the significance of a "nor" gate, you need to understand a little about digital logic. An "or" gate takes 2 or more digital inputs and if either is "on", the output will be on. (asserted high). A "nor" gate inverts the output of the "or" gate, meaning that when either of the outputs are "on", the output will be "off" (asserted low). The two input part of the description just indicates that it only accepts two inputs. So, simply stated: If either (or both) input(s) of a quad, 2 input nor gate is (are) asserted high, the output will be low. If both inputs are off (low), the output will be high.
A two-way switch is similar to an XOR gate in logic circuits. XOR gates output a high signal when the two input signals are different, similar to how a two-way switch changes state depending on its position.
Propagation Delay In digital logic, every gate has got some finite amount of delay because of which the change in the output is not instantaneous to the change in the input. In simple terms, the times it takes for an input to appear at the output is called the propagation delay. In Figure 6, tPHL, describes the time it takes for an input to cause the output to change from logic-level-high to logic-level-low. Similarly, tPLH, refers to the delay associated when an input change causes the output to change from logic-level-low to logic-level-high. The overall delay is average of these two delays.