Trip - Hedley song - was created in 2005.
Trip Lee's best song is your opinion.
This is all his solo and group hits.They are arranged by year.It shows the song, the group/artist then the number it reached.Note: When the Jackson 5 left Motown in 1975, they became the Jacksons.1969I want you Back - Jackson 5 ~ 11970ABC - Jackson 5 ~ 1The love you Save - Jackson 5 ~ 1I'll be there - Jackson 5 ~ 11971Mama's Pearl - Jackson 5 ~ 2Never can say goodbye - Jackson 5 ~ 2Maybe tomorrow - Jackson 5 ~ 20Got to be there - Michael Jackson ~ 2Sugar Daddy - Jackson 5 ~ 101972Rockin' Robin - Michael Jackson ~ 2Little Bitty Pretty one - Jackson 5 ~ 13Lookin' through the windows - Jackson 5 ~ 16Ben - Michael Jackson ~ 1Corner of the Sky - Jackson 5 ~181973Halleujah Day - Jackson 5 ~ 28Get it Together - Jackson 5 ~ 281974Dancing Machine - Jackson 5 ~ 2Whatever you got I want - Jackson 5 ~ 381975I am love (Parts I & II) - Jackson 5 ~ 15Just a little bit of you - Michael Jackson ~ 231976Enjoy yourself - The Jacksons ~ 61977Show you the was to go - The Jacksons ~ 281979Shake your body (down to the ground) - The Jacksons ~ 2Don't stop 'til you get enough - Michael Jackson ~ 1Rock with you - Michael Jackson ~ 11980Off the Wall - Michael Jackson ~ 10She's out of my Life - Michael Jackson ~ 10Lovely one - The Jacksons ~ 12Heartbreak Hotel - The Jacksons ~ 221982The girl is mine - Michael Jackson (with Paul McCartney) ~ 2Billie Jean - Michael Jackson ~ 1Beat it - Michael Jackson ~ 1Wanna be Startin' Somethin' - Michael Jackson ~ 5P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson ~ 10Say Say Say - Michael Jackson (With Paul McCartney) ~ 11984Thriller - Michael Jackson ~ 5Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson ~ 38State of Shock - The Jacksons ~ 3Torture - The Jacksons ~ 131987I just can't stop loving you - Michael Jackson ~ 1Bad - Michael Jackson ~ 1The way you make me feel - Michael Jackson ~ 11988Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson ~ 1Dirty Diana - Michael Jackson ~ 1Another Part of me - Michael Jackson ~ 11Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson ~ 71991Black or White - Michael Jackson ~ 11992Remember the time - Michael Jackson ~ 3In the closet - Michael Jackson ~ 6Jam - Michael Jackson ~ 26Heal the world - Michael Jackson ~ 271993Who is it - Michael Jackson ~ 14Wil you be there - Michael Jackson ~ 71995Scream - Michael Jackson (with Janet Jackson) ~ 5You are not alone - Michael Jackson ~ 11996The don't care about us - Michael Jackson ~ 302001You rock my world - Michael Jackson ~ 10Butterflies - Michael Jackson ~ 14
One can download the song Take a Trip by Cassidy on mp3lemon, searchmp3mobi and togrool. Lyrics are available as well and it is claimed to be as easy as one click to download the song.
Jam, Why You Wanna Trip on Me, In the Closet, She Drives Me Wild, Remember The Time, Can't Let Her Get Away, Heal The World, Black Or White, Who is it, Give In To Me, Will You Be There, Keep The Faith, Gone Too Soon, Dangerous.
No it was written by Teddy Riley.
Trip - Hedley song - was created in 2005.
Trip Lee's best song is your opinion.
Johnny Horton-'Battle of New Orleans' in 1959 In 1814 we took a little trip
Michael K. Anderson was born in St. Joseph, Missouri on May 15, 1972. Anderson wrote the screenplay for the 2007 movie, Guns, Ghosts and Girlfriends. He also wrote the short films, Think About the Future, Polka Trip, Network One, and Dale Crawford: Musician/Detective.
Song titles that contain the word trip or variations of the word include "Come Take a Trip in My Air Ship." "Day Tripper" is another song with a form of the word trip in it.
on a trip with his wife, Patricia, the 1959 Mercedes 190SL they were driving broke down. Hard pressed for money at the time, Jackson negotiated a deal with the local Mercedes dealership to work
Long Trip Alone - song - was created on 2006-11-13.
Bad Dirty Diana Give Into Me Morphine Beat It Another Day D.S. Come Together Black or White We've Had Enough Why You Wanna Trip On Me
Percy Jackson goes to the Metropolitan Museum of Art on his field trip.
LMFAO - I'm In Miami Trick
This is all his solo and group hits.They are arranged by year.It shows the song, the group/artist then the number it reached.Note: When the Jackson 5 left Motown in 1975, they became the Jacksons.1969I want you Back - Jackson 5 ~ 11970ABC - Jackson 5 ~ 1The love you Save - Jackson 5 ~ 1I'll be there - Jackson 5 ~ 11971Mama's Pearl - Jackson 5 ~ 2Never can say goodbye - Jackson 5 ~ 2Maybe tomorrow - Jackson 5 ~ 20Got to be there - Michael Jackson ~ 2Sugar Daddy - Jackson 5 ~ 101972Rockin' Robin - Michael Jackson ~ 2Little Bitty Pretty one - Jackson 5 ~ 13Lookin' through the windows - Jackson 5 ~ 16Ben - Michael Jackson ~ 1Corner of the Sky - Jackson 5 ~181973Halleujah Day - Jackson 5 ~ 28Get it Together - Jackson 5 ~ 281974Dancing Machine - Jackson 5 ~ 2Whatever you got I want - Jackson 5 ~ 381975I am love (Parts I & II) - Jackson 5 ~ 15Just a little bit of you - Michael Jackson ~ 231976Enjoy yourself - The Jacksons ~ 61977Show you the was to go - The Jacksons ~ 281979Shake your body (down to the ground) - The Jacksons ~ 2Don't stop 'til you get enough - Michael Jackson ~ 1Rock with you - Michael Jackson ~ 11980Off the Wall - Michael Jackson ~ 10She's out of my Life - Michael Jackson ~ 10Lovely one - The Jacksons ~ 12Heartbreak Hotel - The Jacksons ~ 221982The girl is mine - Michael Jackson (with Paul McCartney) ~ 2Billie Jean - Michael Jackson ~ 1Beat it - Michael Jackson ~ 1Wanna be Startin' Somethin' - Michael Jackson ~ 5P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson ~ 10Say Say Say - Michael Jackson (With Paul McCartney) ~ 11984Thriller - Michael Jackson ~ 5Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson ~ 38State of Shock - The Jacksons ~ 3Torture - The Jacksons ~ 131987I just can't stop loving you - Michael Jackson ~ 1Bad - Michael Jackson ~ 1The way you make me feel - Michael Jackson ~ 11988Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson ~ 1Dirty Diana - Michael Jackson ~ 1Another Part of me - Michael Jackson ~ 11Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson ~ 71991Black or White - Michael Jackson ~ 11992Remember the time - Michael Jackson ~ 3In the closet - Michael Jackson ~ 6Jam - Michael Jackson ~ 26Heal the world - Michael Jackson ~ 271993Who is it - Michael Jackson ~ 14Wil you be there - Michael Jackson ~ 71995Scream - Michael Jackson (with Janet Jackson) ~ 5You are not alone - Michael Jackson ~ 11996The don't care about us - Michael Jackson ~ 302001You rock my world - Michael Jackson ~ 10Butterflies - Michael Jackson ~ 14