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Haydn's Trumpet Concerto in Eb major was written to show off the abilities of a new chromatic keyed trumpet created by Anton Weidinger.

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Joseph Haydn.

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Q: Who wrote the piece Haydn's Trumpet Concerto?
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What famous composer wrote for the trumpet?

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He wrote it somewhere in between 1710 & 1720.

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The Concerto in E-flat suggests that you're referring to Haydn. He wrote it in 1796, which was at the same time as the French Revolution.

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There are numerous compositions for trumpet. A few are: Haydn's Trumpet Concerto Hummel's Trumpet Concerto Pictures Trumpeter's Lullaby Trumpeter's Prayer Bugler's Holiday (a trumpet trio)

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Sergei Rachmaninoff. The correct title of the piece is Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Op. 30.

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