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Brian Jones was the original Lead. Jones died in 1969 and Keith Richards moved across from rhythm guitar to full time lead; the job he was doing more and more as Jones' interest in the band waned.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Keith Richards is the current, suviving Honcho.

Zeno says:

current? he's always been

surviving? like a former leader died?

yes, sounds all very exotic and suitably ambiguous, but let's just stick to the facts, shall we?

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11y ago

Keith Richards!

Keith Richards and Ronnie Wood both play lead and rhythm guitar, often alternating roles within the same song.

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13y ago

Always Mick Jagger

He was originally lead singer of Blues, Inc.

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Keith Richards

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== ==

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mick jagger

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Keith Richards

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Q: Who is the lead singer of The Rolling Stones?
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The name of the lead singer of the Rolling Stones is Mick Jagger.

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Mick Jagger - His first appearance with the group called The Rollin' Stones was at the Marquee Club (jazz club), on July 12, 1962. He has been the Rolling Stones lead singer ever since then.

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Lead singer of Mick Jagger?

Didn't I answer this question before? The question makes no sense. MICK JAGGER IS THE LEAD SINGER OF THE ROLLING STONES.

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No. He is the singer of the Rolling Stones. Steve Tyler is the singer of Aerosmith though they do look vaguely similar.

When did mick jagger became famous?

Mick Jagger is the lead singer of the Rolling tones. The Rolling Stones became famous in the 1960s.

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" As Tears Go By" was originally performed by Marianne Faithfull.

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Mick Jagger from The Rolling Stones

Who is the lead singer of Mick Jagger?

What's the question? Mick Jagger is a vocalist, best known for being the lead vocalist of the Rolling Stones.

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