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John Hawkins led the [piratical] "Sea Dogs" who preyed upon Spanish shipping with the blessings of the English .

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English privateer Sir Francis Drake "plundered the Spanish navy." Considered a pirate by the Spanish, he often attacked and raided Spanish ships of their cargo and riches.

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Q: Who was an English sea dog that plundered the Spanish navy?
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English sea dog who plundered the spanish navy?


Who is the English sea dog who plundered the navy?

English privateer Sir Francis Drake "plundered the Spanish navy." Considered a pirate by the Spanish, he often attacked and raided Spanish ships of their cargo and riches.

Who was the English sea dog that plundered Spanish navy?

John Hawkins led the [piratical] "Sea Dogs" who preyed upon Spanish shipping with the blessings of the English .

Who was the sea dog that plundered the spanish navy?

John Hawkins led the [piratical] "Sea Dogs" who preyed upon Spanish shipping with the blessings of the English .

What does the Spanish word can mean in English?


What is perro in English?

From spanish to English perro means dog COCO

What is 'el perro' when translated from Spanish to English?

"El perro" translates to "the dog" in English.

What is the English word for perro in Spanish?

Dog, but most English speakers will struggle to pronounce the rolling double r's in the spanish word as there are no equivalents in in the English lexicon.

What is the Spanish word for a female dog?

The Spanish word for a female dog is "perra." A male dog is "perro." These words are not used in the same manner in Spanish as they are in English, i.e., perra is not as a curse word.

What is a female dog called in spanish?

A female dog in Spanish is called perra. In the English language a female dog is referred to as bitch which is a term that has been misused.

What is the word 'dog' when translated from English to Spanish?

The Spanish word is perro (pronounced peer ro roll the r)You can say perro meaning male dog (or dog in general) and perra for a female dog.

What does tu perro mean?

"Tu perro" means "your dog" in Spanish.