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Q: Who sold more albums prince or queen?
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Who sold more albums queen or iron maiden?

Iron maiden

Who has sold most albums?

Prince Royce

How rich is prince the artist?

Prince has a net worth of about $300 million dollars. He has sold more than 80 million albums during his career

Who sold more ABBA or queen?

i think Abba sold more albums then Led Zeppelin. Abba sold 360 million albums to Led Zeppelin's 300 million. I think only Elvis, the Beatles sold more than ABBA. That's amazing considering how despised they were in the 80s in the U.S. but ABBA continues to sell like three million albums a year even now after they have been disbanded for more than 30 years

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Julio Iglesias has sold more albums in Spanish language

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Bruce Springsteen has sold slightly more albums than the Who

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Eminem sold about 100 million albums. Jay-z sold like 60 million.

Who has sold more albums joan jet t or KISS?

i would assume that KISS has sold more albums.

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Bryan Adams has sold 160million albums. Bruce Springsteen has sold 59million albums.

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ACDC have sold slightly more albums than Bruce Springsteen

Who sold more albums poison or guns and roses?

Motley Crue has sold more albums, with over 75 million sold worldwide. Poison has sold over 45 million albums worldwide.