Who sings the song "I wasn't always this way"
Rubber Lover by Marmaduke Duke!
"Don't be afraid of the way you feel" are lyrics in the song "Real Love" by Sky.
Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are
Lee Greenwood
Rihanna sings those lyrics in the song "Rude Boy."
Who sings the song "I wasn't always this way"
Rubber Lover by Marmaduke Duke!
It's Cold by Crossfade. (=
"Don't be afraid of the way you feel" are lyrics in the song "Real Love" by Sky.
"All The Way" by Frank Sinatra-1958
Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are
Lee Greenwood
Ben Rector - White Dress?
I believe it is Jim Witter. At least, he sings the song (not sure who actually wrote it).
Kardinal Offishall
Keith Urban is the country artist that sings those lyrics in a song called "You'll think of me"! By the way it's "cap" not "cat"