Gangadhar Nehru's father's name was one Motilal Nehru. He was a freedom fighter.
Ghiyasuddin Ghazi.Reason:The Nehru-Gandhi dynasty startswith the Mughal man namedGhiyasuddin Ghazi. He was theCity Kotwal i.e. police officer ofDelhi prior to the uprising of1857, under the Mughal rule.After capturing Delhi in 1857, inthe year of the mutiny, theBritish were slaughtering allMughals everywhere. The Britishmade a thorough search andkilled every Mughal so that therewere no future claimant to thethrone of Delhi.Therefore, itbecame customary for manyMohammedans to adopt Hindunames. So, the man GhiyasuddinGhazi adopted a Hindu nameGangadhar Nehru and thussaved his life by the subterfuge.Ghiyasuddin Ghazi apparentlyused to reside on the bank of acanal (or Nehr) near the RedFort. Thus, he adopted the name�Nehru� as the family name.Through out the world, we donot find any descendant otherthan that of Gangadhar, havingthe surname Nehru.Source - The 13th volume of the Encyclopediaof Indian War ofIndependenceby M.K. Singh.The Government of India have been hiding this fact.
It is from the riddle Jawahar lal Nehru was the ____ of Indira Gandhi's father: the missing word is "name".
Jawaharlal Nehru's father, Motilal Nehru was a wealthy barrister and served as the President of Indian National Congress twice and mother Swaruprani Thussu was from Kashmiri Brahmin family.
jawaharlal nehru was an advocate or not?
vijayalakshmi pandit was sister of Jawaharlal Nehru
father of Moti Lal Nehru
Gangadhar Nehru died in 1861.
Laxmi Narayan
Motilal Nehru was the father of Jawaherlal Nehru.
Father of Indira Gandhi - was Pandit Jawaherlal NehruIt was Jawaharlal Nehru- the first Prime Minister of India.He adopted the surname Gandhi in honour of the father of the nation: Mohandas Karamchand GandhiJawaharlal Nehru was Indira Gandhi's father.
Hi Fathers Name was Gangadhar Ramachandra Tilak And his Mothers Name was Paravti Bai Gangadhar. Hope this Helped :)
jawaharlal nehru
Her father is Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and her mother is Kamala Nehru.
Bal Gangadhar Tilak is the father of assertive nationalism in India
Ghiyasuddin Ghazi.Reason:The Nehru-Gandhi dynasty startswith the Mughal man namedGhiyasuddin Ghazi. He was theCity Kotwal i.e. police officer ofDelhi prior to the uprising of1857, under the Mughal rule.After capturing Delhi in 1857, inthe year of the mutiny, theBritish were slaughtering allMughals everywhere. The Britishmade a thorough search andkilled every Mughal so that therewere no future claimant to thethrone of Delhi.Therefore, itbecame customary for manyMohammedans to adopt Hindunames. So, the man GhiyasuddinGhazi adopted a Hindu nameGangadhar Nehru and thussaved his life by the subterfuge.Ghiyasuddin Ghazi apparentlyused to reside on the bank of acanal (or Nehr) near the RedFort. Thus, he adopted the name�Nehru� as the family name.Through out the world, we donot find any descendant otherthan that of Gangadhar, havingthe surname Nehru.Source - The 13th volume of the Encyclopediaof Indian War ofIndependenceby M.K. Singh.The Government of India have been hiding this fact.
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Bal Gangadhar Tilak