To become a famous actor/actress, you have to go to tryouts of a movie or TV. show. And if you are good enough, then you may become a famous actor/actress. Chase your dreams :)LeeKerri Kindle.
Selena's favorite actress is Rachel McAdams, and her favorite actor is Johnny Depp.
Tuba Buyukustun is a Turkish actress born in 1982. She is famous for her roles in commercials and TV series. She was nominated for the Best Soap Actor award at the Monte Carlo Television Festival in 2011.
Alli Simpson is a modle not an actress
Sri Hari(Telugu Actor)
Ray Mala.
To be a famous singer or a famous dancer or a famous actor/actress.
Actor or Actress? Jennifer Aniston is by far the most famous out of all of the friends characters. But Mathew Perry would be the most famous actor.
i got a actress her name is Barbara mori
W.C. Fields
Marilyn Monroe or Humphrey Bogart
Actor/Actress, singer, president, inventor
Become an actress/actor become famous at that. That would be my guess
The way to becoming an actress or actor is to follow your dream and do what u have to get your goal just go for it.
It is a famous song of the film "Ready" starring Famous Indian actor, Salman Khan, Famous Indian actress, Asin.
Singer/actor, Frank Sinatra and Mia Farrow (model/actress)-1966 Actor, Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor (actress)-1964, divorced. Married again: Actor, Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor (actress)-1975
Zero Mostel (actor) Zsa Zsa Gabor (actress) Zasu Pitts (actress)