Trey Songz's favorite color is red.
Trey Songz favorite name brand shoe is Nike.
Kesha actually does not have a favorite celebrity, but she has a favorite band. They are called The Pixies.
his favorite dog is a yorkie
Their favorite celebrity is Bruno Mars.
Trey Songz's favorite color is red.
Trey Songz's favorite color is red.
Trey songz favorite car is a lamorguiny.
Trey Songz's favorite color is red.
trey songz favorite school is northaven elementary.
Trey Songz favorite part on a woman is bottom
Trey Songz favorite name brand shoe is Nike.
All her friends are her favorite celebrity
they wouldn't be my favorite celebrity
Kesha actually does not have a favorite celebrity, but she has a favorite band. They are called The Pixies.
Trey Songz favourite colour is Gold
his favorite dog is a yorkie