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it colud be one of her buddys i dont no

Edit: It's really nobody. I will tell you why it's AMY and the purpose. Trying not to say bad word through. Don't say that!

If: F

You: U

See: C

Kay: K

Me: ME

For the word "seek" and "Amy", you will need to split it.

So: See, Ka, My (ME).


Get it? So it's no one.

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Q: Who is Amy in Britney Spears' if you Seek Amy?
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Britney Spears if you seek Amy download?

You can download Britney Spears song, If you seek Amy at itunes.

Do you seek Amy?

It is a song by britney spears except it is called if you seek Amy I hope this is the answer you were looking for.

What album is If You Seek Amy by Britney Spears on?

The well-known single, If U Seek Amy, is on the "Circus" album. "Circus" was released by Britney Spears in 2008.

Who is Amy to Britney Spears?

No one britney dosent know anyone with the name of Amy but she has a song entitled 'If you seek Amy'.

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When did Britney Speays first release the song 'If u Seek Amy'?

Britney Spears first released the song "If u Seek Amy" on March 13, 2009. It was a song in Spears' sixth album Circus. The song was well received by critics who praised Spears for her vocals.

Is Britney Spears latest son 'If You Seek Amy' about Amy Lee Hartzler?

"Amy" does not refer to anyone in particular. It ties into the anagramIFYOUSEEKAMYor f*ck me.

Who sings 'if you seek Amy'?

I don't believe there is an actual "Amy". The phrase is a play on words. It's Britney's way of telling off the press, public detractors, etc. "If you seek Amy" is actually her clever, yet juvenile, way of spelling the F-word followed by "me".

What songs are there on Britney Spears album Circus?

The album 'Circus' was the sixth album of the American pop star Britney Spears. The album features songs such as 'Womanizer', 'If U Seek Amy' and 'Circus'.

What is the first line of the song If You Seek Amy by Briney Spears?

The very first line of the Britney Spears song, "If U Seek Amy" is "La la la la", but if you're referring to the actual lyrics, it's, "Oh Baby baby have you seen Amy tonight."

What does If U Seek Amy stand for?

the meaning of the song if you seek Amy is:FUCKMEIF(F) YOU(U) SEE(C) (K) AMY (ME)I don't think its me at the end, why would you say that to yourself? I think its just that she britney spears hates Amy alot, so she named that song if you seek Amy. fyi i have no clue who Amy is!

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Amy Winehouse