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The composer's they themselves did it

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Q: Who influenced the composer's musical trainings?
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It is called a 'score'

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Joseph Haydn was Ludwig van Beethoven's most valued mentor, he was greatly influenced by Mozart as well. Bach and Muzio Celemnti influenced not as much, but are still credited to his style. A large portion of Beethoven's style, however, was a product of his own musical genius.

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It depends on how successful the composer is.

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The round is a very primitive form of musical structure. It goes back before composers were identified by name.

Who did Anton Bruckner influence?

Anton Bruckner was a teacher in Vienna and few of his pupils became composers like Rott, Schmidt, and the greatest of them Gustav Mahler. Several other composers were influenced by Bruckner's mucic : Wolff, Wetz, Stenhammar... And even Sibelius. At least, Bruckner was at the origin of the musical sphere called "post romanticism".

One of the greatest musical composers from austria?

Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, and Strauss.

Who are the main composers of a musical?

Which musical? In general, the term is "librettist" for the guy who writes the music and "lyricist" for the guy who writes the lyrics (words).