he was smoking crack and he took to much stare roids and then he died then pooped in his grave yard and then he was stupid and turn to a poop skeleton
*number one:the person who wrote this answer was very childish. Duke Ellington was influenced by his childhood and the sounds around him. At the age of seven his parents introduced him to music and he began lessons. For the immature person that wrote whats posted above my entry, you have no respect for anyone and nor do you have respect for yourself. -Chasey Bear.man you suck i think your races loser and your going to die in a poop grave hahahahahaha =P loserDuke Ellington was inspired by the playing of the piano at Frank's holiday poolroom by talented pianist.
Duke Ellington inspired millions of people. He had a major influence on Swing Music that spread to all other genres.
Duke Ellington
Duke Ellington's parents were Daisy Kennedy Ellington and James Edward Ellington.
Duke ellington died of lung cancer
Duke Ellington has a child named Mercer Kennedy Ellington.
One of the sister's son
No. Douglas Ellington is a grand nephew to Duke Ellington.
Mercedes Ellington. Mercedes Ellington is Duke Ellingtons grand daughter ! Not his daughter.Mercer is her father. Duke Ellington's daughter's name is April Ellington,from Duke's second family.
The cast of Salute to Duke Ellington - 1950 includes: Duke Ellington as himself Duke Ellington Orchestra as Themselves
Duke Ellington's birth name is Ellington, Edward Kennedy.
Duke Ellington
Duke Ellington was a pianist and a jazz composer
Duke Ellington did not go to college.
Duke Ellington was a renowned composer, pianist, and big-band leader in the jazz genre, but he was not known for writing books or other written works. Ellington was primarily focused on creating and performing music throughout his career.
Duke Ellington's parents were Daisy Kennedy Ellington and James Edward Ellington.
Duke ellington died of lung cancer
Duke Ellington was born on April 29, 1899.