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Do you mean Jupiter, an op in "The Planets", composed by Gustav Holtz?

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The British composer Gustav Holst.

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Gustav Holst

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Q: Who composed The Planets?
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Why are inner planets called rock planets?

They have solid surfaces composed of rock.

What are asteriods composed of?

Asteriods are composed of rock that broke off of other planets.

What are the outer planets composed of?

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Do the Jovian planets have lower average densities than the terrestrial planets?

Yes, the Jovian planets have lower average densities compared to the terrestrial planets. This is because the Jovian planets are mainly composed of gases and icy materials, while the terrestrial planets are composed of solid rock and metal.

Compared to the terrestrial planets the Jovian planets are?

The Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are composed of gases and pressurized liquids. Whereas, the four inner terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are composed of rock and iron.

Inner planets that are composed mainly of rock and metal are called?

The inner planets composed mainly of rock and metal are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These planets are also known as terrestrial planets due to their Earth-like composition.

Why would the average densities of the four large outer planets be so low when compared with the average densities of the inner planets?

Because the outer planets are composed of mainly gas or ice, whereas the inner planets are composed of rock which has a higher density.

What are the giant planets composed of?

Gas and Liquid Gas.

What the substance of the outer planets mostly composed?

The outer planets are mostly composed of gasses and ice. The inner planets are mostly composed of iron and rocks. Hope you are a Twilight fan because those ooks are really good. Happy Science! now please enjoy the following ads!:

Which planets do not have any rocks?

All plantes have rocks, the terrestrial planets like earth are almost entirely composed of rock. Jovian planets like Saturn have a solid core at the center of the planet composed of rock and ice.

How are inner planets differ from outer?

The Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are composed of gases and pressurized liquids. Whereas, the four terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are composed of rock and iron.