Marty Stuart is a/an Singer,Songwriter
Tempted - Marty Stuart song - was created on 1991-08-12.
Live at the Ryman - Marty Stuart album - was created on 2006-02-07.
Honky Tonk Crowd - Marty Stuart song - was created on 1994-01-31.
Alan Gorrie, Onnie McIntyre, Hamish Stuart, Malcolm Duncan, Roger Ball, and Robbie McIntosh
The Marty Stuart Show - 2008 The Quebe Sisters Band 1-26 was released on: USA: 25 April 2009
The Marty Stuart Show - 2008 The Quebe Sisters Band 3-5 was released on: USA: 5 February 2011
The Marty Stuart Show - 2008 The Tennessee Mafia Jug Band 3-17 was released on: USA: 30 April 2011
Marty Stuart is a/an Singer,Songwriter
Nashville, tn
Marty Stuart was born on September 30, 1958
Marty Stuart's brother is named Billy Cox.
Marty Stuart was born on September 30, 1958
Marty Stuart is 5-feet, 7-inches tall. Marty Stuart is a country/rock musician, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is married to country singer Connie Smith.
According to several Marty Stuart fan sites, the country singer was involved in an altercation with a drunk band member who wanted to get a tattoo. When Stuart tried talking him out of it, the scene turned violent, resulting in a injury that he now covers with a bandana when onstage.
One of his band members got drunk and went to get a tattoo. Marty went to talk the fella out of it. An altercation ensued and Marty was knocked out in the parking lot. His band member (former) dragged him into the tattoo parlor and had a large duroc pig tattooed onto Marty's throat. Both the band member and tattoo artist fled to Belize afterward and Marty was left with the decoration. He's worn the scarf ever since.
Marty Stuart was the lead singer of Give Me Back My Heart, but I'm not sure if it was an actual band or players assembled for the movie.