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Q: Which talent agency represents the Jonas brother's?
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Did the Jonas brothers appear on Americas Got Talent?


How were the Jonas Brothers noticed?

The Jonas Brothers were dicovered by a talent seeker when Nick Jonas was singing at a barber shop while getting a haircut.

Is luck why the Jonas brothers are living the dream?

no it's talent

What talent agancy did the Jonas brothers first have?

Columbia Records.

Who do you prefer the Naked Brothers Band or the Jonas brothers?

well i like the Jonas brothers because they have talent and there cute they have sang longer and what kind of name is the naked brothers its dumbPeople both are great but personally I prefer Jonas Brothers- to me they have more talent, have been here longer and I've liked them longer e.g 2005-Lozziieg Converse Roks My Soks OffJonas Brothers! More talent, cuter, nicer, older, more expeirenced, ect... JONAS BROTHERS OBVIOUSLY! They are very talented! Nick Jonas knows how to play drums, piano & keyboards & guitars! Joe knows how to play keyboards, guitars and drums as well! And Kevin is adorably cute in just guitars! All of them know how to do tricks in the air!!! They always do that!The big difference is talent. Jonas bros have it. Naked brothers don't. It isn't hard to understand.

What agency is Selena Gomez signed with?

Hollywood records, the same agency as The Jonas Brothers/Demi Lavato/Ashley Tisdale/ Vannessa Hudgens/Nick Jonas And The Administration

How did the Jonas Brothers get togheter?

nick was a solo artist and he released a few albums but when his brothers were helping him rehearse he realised they had talent too

How did Joe Jonas start singing?

All three of the Jonas Brothers started singing in their church choir, and Nick Jonas was the first to get a record deal after being discovered in a barber shop. The other two brothers were signed as well once it was found that they had talent as well.

Do the Jonas brothers have talent?

There is no real answer to this question. It is purely based on opinion, so no one can answer the question based on facts. You have to answer it for yourself.

Why are the Jonas brothers awesome?

i read in my book that music runs in their,i guess they r awesome because the talent from their family.

Why are there haters on the Jonas brothers?

all haters are stupid and jelous cuz the JB are awesome, they have talent, they are great looking and unlike other bands they have TALENT! all haters are idiots!

What was Jonas Brothers originally?

"Sons of Jonas", but Kevin came up with "Jonas Brothers".