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Most likely the brass section is the loudest, or rather most brilliant sounding family of the orchestra. However, it is up to the composers wishes who will be loudest. After that the conductor helps shape the music and determines who needs to be louder or softer. The woodwind and brass instruments often sound louder because of the different colors they bring to the sound of the orchestra.

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Q: Which is the loudest family in orchestra?
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What is the least loudest woodwind instrument?

A saxophone could be played the loudest. However in an orchestra the instruments are balanced in dynamics (volume at which music is played) by proportional numbers and skilled players. The least loudest woodwind instrument would be the flute.

What is the largest family in the orchestra?

The largest family in the orchestra is the string family.

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The percussion family is at the back of the orchestra.

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the orchestra is laid out like this because the string family comared to the percission family are a lot higher in picth. this is the orchestra prdictied: the string family the woodwind the brass and the pecussion

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It Belongs to the Percussion family. It also a Membranophone and a Pitched Percussion

Where does the percussion family sit in a orchestra?

Generally at the back of the orchestra.

What is the loudest instrument in the brass family?

The loudest instrument in the Brass Family is the Trumpet.According to them. ;)To be fair, the horns or the trombones can give them a run for their ego's and the scale of 'loud'.

Which family has the most members in the orchestra?

The String section has the most members in the orchestra.

What orchestra does the harp come from and why is it in that family?

it belongs in the my mum family babee :)

What is the lowest family in an orchestra?

6 i belive

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