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There are quite a lot theres Rossini, Denza, Vivaldi, Salieri, Boccherni

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Q: Which famous Italian composer created Tosca Madama Butterfly and La Boheme?
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What instruments did giacomo play?

Giocomo Puccini studied and played the piano. He also played the organ and was a piano teacher. Puccini was an Italian Opera composer whose operas include 'La Boheme' and 'Madame Butterfly'. He was born in 1858 and died in 1924.

What language is La boheme in?


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Boheme - album - was created on 1995-06-20.

What instruments did giacomo puccini play?

Giocomo Puccini studied and played the piano. He also played the organ and was a piano teacher. Puccini was an Italian opera composer whose operas include 'La Boheme' and 'Madame Butterfly'. He was born in 1858 and died in 1924.

What is the pronuciation for the Italian word boheme?

The pronunciation for the Italian word "bohème" is "bo-em" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

What musicals are based off of an opera?

Miss Saigon is based off of Puccini's Madame Butterfly.

What is the opera in moonstruck?

La boheme

What are some names of Italian operas about love lost?

It depends on what mean exactly - Otello Tosca La Boheme To name a few.

La Boheme - name of aria in Italian of your tiny hand is frozen?

Che Gelida Manina(literally : what a cold little hand)

What is the name of the Puccini opera?

One of Puccini's best known operas, if not "the" best known, is Madama Butterfly. Tosca and La Boheme are a couple of his other better known works. As with everything else, however, what is best is often in the "ear" of the beholder.

Who wrote the opera La Boheme?

The opera La Boheme was written by Giacomo Puccini using an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. answer 2 Leoncavello also wrote an opera of the same name on the same story.

What date was la boheme written?

The premiere of La Boheme was February 1, 1896.