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G Sharp (or A flat).

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Q: Which black note is in the middle key of the group of three?
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What is another name for b sharp?

Do you mean the note? An enharmonic of D sharp is E flat.

How do you press an A-flat on the piano?

Notice that the black keys of a piano are grouped into two's and three's. The middle key of any group of three black keys is A flat. You would play that key and that note just as you would any other key on the keyboard.

What is the b flat blues scale for piano?

Starting with B flat, the third black key in the group of three, the next note would be D flat, the next black key. E flat would be the next note also the next black key. E natural is the white key one to the right then the next white key which would be F natural. The final note is A flat which is in the middle of the three black keys.

What is G- on piano?

Keys on a piano and notes on a staff are named by the alphabet A through G, and then starting over at A. Keys on the piano are black and white with the black keys organized in groups of two and three. The G note on a piano can be found by locating any group of three black keys. The G note is a white key found between the left two black keys of that group of three. There are 7 G notes on a standard 88 note piano.

Where is e on the piano?

There is a group of two black notes. The white note on the right of the second black note of this group is E.

Where is f sharp on piano?

F# and C# are both black keys. If you find three keys and then two keys the C will be to the left of the two keys. the C# will be the first black key in the set of two. The F# will be the the first black key in he set of three.

Where is the middle c located on the keyboard?

To locate Middle C on a piano, sit in front of the center of the keyboard. Locate the set of two black keys, the pair directly under the piano makers name. Then, the white key to the immediate left of the two black keys is Middle C.

Where is the A note on the piano?

The piano keyboard is made of black and white keys. The black keys are in groups of two and three. The note "A" is the white key between the rightmost two black keys in the group of three black keys. There are eight different "A" keys on a standard 88 note piano. The lowest key on a standard piano is also the note A.

Where is the D note on the piano?

In a group where two black keys are together, the D key in between those black keys.

What note is the white key that's in between the group of two black keys on a piano?


What is a b flat on a piano?

The b flat key is going to be a black key. I can only help if you know where to find a A and/or a B. once you find one of them, lets use A for example, is going to be the first black key you reach if you are going up in a scale. If you use my B example just go back down a scale and it will be the first one you reach. See the related link below for a picture of a keyboard labeled with notes.

What is the highest note of F on a keyboard?

The last note on a piano is an A.