The band that recorded the song 'Play That Funky Music' was Wild Cherry. Originally the song was recorded by Robert Parissi and hit number one in 1976.
The band DecembeRadio did.
Who Do Ya Love is a song by KC and the Sunshine band.
The song is 'The Model' by the German band Kraftwerk, it was recorded in 1978 for their album 'The Man-Machine'. It was released as a single in 1981.
The song called Even Flow was recorded by the band named Pearl Jam. Pearl Jam is an American band. Eddie Vedder wrote the words to the song and the tune was written by Stone Gossard.
Jimi Hendrix recorded Machine Gun in 1970 with his band Band of Gypsys. The song was released as a single and came from the album also named Band of Gypsys.
The band James recorded a song called Laid that we just love to listen to. The song Laid was recorded by the band James in 1993 and was their fifth studio album.
The song "With all I am" was recorded by the Hillsong United band, who are a Christian worship band that originated from the Hillsong Church in Australia.
The song Labios Compartidos is recorded by the Latin rock group MANA. The song Labios Compartidos is the the band's most famous song and is the song that the band is remembered for.
The band that recorded the song 'Play That Funky Music' was Wild Cherry. Originally the song was recorded by Robert Parissi and hit number one in 1976.
The band DecembeRadio did.
Who Do Ya Love is a song by KC and the Sunshine band.
The song is 'The Model' by the German band Kraftwerk, it was recorded in 1978 for their album 'The Man-Machine'. It was released as a single in 1981.
The song With Me was recorded by Sum 41. It was recorded in 2007 and appeared on the Underclass Hero album. The song was first performed live in January 2008.
The song called Even Flow was recorded by the band named Pearl Jam. Pearl Jam is an American band. Eddie Vedder wrote the words to the song and the tune was written by Stone Gossard.
Blitzkrieg Bop is a song by a specific American Punk Band. The artist that first recorded the song Blitzkrieg Bop was a band that goes by the popular name "Ramones".
English rock band The Cure originally recorded the song "Close to Me." It was released on September 9, 1985 on the band's album "The Head on the Door."