Michael Jackson with his Thriller album.
The most popular song by The Manhattans is called Shining Star. This was the first track on their album After Midnight in the 1980s. The song reached number 5 on the billboard hot 100.
God no! She only has one album and a handful of EPs. The Beatles have the most #1's, of course!!
"Love Me Do/Boys". Love Me Do was recorded in 1962, Boys in 1963. Of course, only Love Me Do made it. Boys was in the album.
Most of their number one hits were also number one in Norway. There are 17 of them, re-released in 2000 on the 1 album
THE most likely answer to who has the most hits per album or CD is likely KING OF COUNTRY GEORGE STRAIT. HIS average album will have usually no less than 2-4 top ten hits per album and at least 1-2 number one BILLBOARD CHARTED HITS per album or rather per CD.
lady gaga -the fame
Michael Jackson with his Thriller album.
The most popular song by The Manhattans is called Shining Star. This was the first track on their album After Midnight in the 1980s. The song reached number 5 on the billboard hot 100.
God no! She only has one album and a handful of EPs. The Beatles have the most #1's, of course!!
"Love Me Do/Boys". Love Me Do was recorded in 1962, Boys in 1963. Of course, only Love Me Do made it. Boys was in the album.
name the top ten artist of top selling records
Most of their number one hits were also number one in Norway. There are 17 of them, re-released in 2000 on the 1 album
Katy Perry is most known for being a singer, actress, songwriter, and performer. She was made famous by her first album which has the largest number of top rated hits ever recorded in a single album.
Hilary duff's most recently album is her greatest hits which was released in 2009.
Marisela is famous for singing. She was born in Los Angeles, but is famous in Mexico and spent most of her singing career performing in Mexican venues. Her musical successes were largely concentrated in the 1980s and 1990s, but she did release a 'greatest hits' album in 2007.
get a grip if you arent including greatest hits albums