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Yes. The banjo is native to America, and it was made by slaves. They used it to play along with folk songs and spirituals, and it became more popular after the Civil War.

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it was made in the south

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5 strings

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Q: Where was the banjo first made?
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When was the banjo made?

In 1852

What year did Gibson manufacture their first banjo?

Gibson first began to manufacture their banjo in the year 1918.

Who is the maker of banjo and kazooie?

Nintendo and Rare made Banjo-Kazooie. (Before Rare was bought by Microsoft)

Who first invented the banjo?

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There are no honeycombs in Banjo Kazooie: N&B

What type of instrerment is an banjo?

The Banjo is a stringed instrument that most commonly has 5 strings but also can be made with 4 or 6.

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How old are banjo and kazooie?

They don't say, but Banjo (not Kazooie) first appeared in 1997 inside the game Diddy Kong Racing. They had their own series called the Banjo-Kazooie series in 1998 with a game called Banjo-Kazooie to start off the series

When was the very first Banjo Kazooie game released?

In 1998.

What kind of banjo does Winton Marshall play?

Winston Marshall plays a number of banjos, notably is the Eagle 2 resonator made by the Deering banjo company and recently the Shackleton Centenary Zither banjo.