b which is the first hole and thumb, a which is the first two keys and thumb, g which is the first three fingers and your thumb, f first four fingers and thumb, e which is all the keys except for the last two on the bottom, d which is all the keys except the last key, the low b which is all the keys and a c which is only the second key and thumb hope this helps
I need the notes
letters notes for sakura on recorder
what are the recorder notes of rolling in the deep
There are many different beautiful notes for a recorder. It all depends on the person and the song that is sung.
how to play sharp and flat notes on recorder
The musical notes are Aggfagfgfeghgefggfeeefggfaggg.
well you can check recorder book 2 from the beginning it should have it there!!! :)
I need the notes
letters notes for sakura on recorder
what are the recorder notes of rolling in the deep
There are many different beautiful notes for a recorder. It all depends on the person and the song that is sung.
how to play sharp and flat notes on recorder
well you can get the regular piano notes and match them with the recorder notes
what re all the notes on the recorder to all alone
what are the lettered notes to last christmas on the recorder
ttylxox on the recorder
the notes to the song little Tommy Tiddle mouse for the recorder