La caja de fusibles esta debajo del timon en el panel izquierdo, tiene una tapa de color negro. Rosquin
it is on the front of the black cover that comes off the front of the fuse box
What is the normal rpm for a grand vitara 2002 Suzuki
where is the coolant temperature sensor on a suzuki xl7 2002
How do you change headlight on suzuki xl7
How do you change headlight on suzuki xl7
Engine compartment on passenger side side.
This answer is for the 2008 XL7, but it may help: Under the hood (driver's side), there is a fuse panel. In the '08 models, Circuit #3 ("PWR") is for the front outlets, and #40 ("AUX") is for the rear.
Suzuki XL7 was previously known as the Grand Vitara (GVT for short)
In the manual it states that you have to remove the grill and radiator to get at the casing for the headlight.